Our latest watch review comes from The Electricianz Watch. We have never featured them before but they have been around now for the past 3 years. The watch we will be reviewing is The Electricianz Watch- The DeZert. We are...
When it comes to German watches, their designs are always outstanding and the watches themselves are always solid in very way. In our last post, we were lucky to have an interview with the founder of Lilienthal Berlin founder, and...
When it comes to smart watches, we have only reviewed one in the past. It was the Sequent Watch Supercharger. The purpose of the Sequent watch was to combine a sleek, stylish and sporty watch all into one model, all...
We love diver watches and we have reviewed many diver watch brands. The last diver watch review we did was the Seaturtle from Boderry Watch. Now we have a new diver watch to review, all the way from Hong Kong,...
We have a new watch brand to review today and it is Baltany Watches. Created by Ballu and Tanner, their main focus for the brand was creating classic looking vintage timepieces, which will not cost a fortune to the customer. As they are based in Asia, Ballu and Tanner ensures that every penny consumers spend […]